The Rise of the Bobos: Navigating the complex world of bourgeois bohemians

Who are the Bobos?

In the ever-evolving landscape of cultural and social trends, the concept of the "Bobos" has emerged as a fascinating and influential phenomenon. Coined by journalist David Brooks in his 2000 book, "Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There," the term refers to a unique blend of bourgeois and bohemian lifestyles. This intriguing fusion has given rise to a distinct social group that challenges traditional notions of class and lifestyle. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of the Bobos, exploring their origins, characteristics, and impact on contemporary society.

Origins of the Term

The term "Bobos" is a portmanteau of "bourgeois" and "bohemian," reflecting the paradoxical combination of values and lifestyles traditionally associated with these two distinct social groups. Historically, the bourgeoisie has been linked with conventional, affluent, and mainstream values, while bohemians are known for their avant-garde, artistic, and countercultural tendencies. The blending of these seemingly incompatible characteristics has given birth to a new social archetype: the Bobos.

Characteristics of the Bobos

1. Cultural Omnivores: bobos are known for their cultural omnivorousness – they consume a diverse array of cultural products, seamlessly integrating highbrow and lowbrow tastes. This could mean enjoying a gourmet meal while wearing thrift store clothing, or appreciating both classical literature and popular entertainment.

2. Educated and Entrepreneurial: members of the Bobo class tend to be highly educated, often possessing advanced degrees. Their career paths often combine elements of entrepreneurship and creativity, as they pursue professions that allow them to express their individuality while achieving financial success.

3. Conspicuous Consumption with a Conscience: unlike traditional bourgeois lifestyles, Bobos engage in a form of conspicuous consumption that is mindful of social and environmental concerns. They may invest in organic and sustainable products, supporting businesses that align with their values.

4. Urban Living and DIY Culture: bobos often gravitate towards urban living, where they contribute to the revitalization of city neighborhoods. Simultaneously, they embrace a do-it-yourself (DIY) ethos, incorporating handmade and artisanal elements into their lives.

Impact on Contemporary Society

1. Cultural Hegemony: the rise of the Bobos has led to a cultural shift, with their preferences influencing mainstream tastes. Their ability to bridge the gap between high culture and popular culture has allowed them to shape the cultural landscape.

2. Economic and Technological Innovation: the entrepreneurial spirit of Bobos has contributed to economic and technological innovation. Many successful startups and creative enterprises have been founded by individuals who embody the Bobo ethos.

3. Changing Urban Dynamics: bobos' preference for urban living has played a role in the gentrification of many city neighborhoods. While this has led to increased economic activity and cultural vibrancy, it has also sparked debates about affordability and inclusivity.


The Bobos represent a fascinating convergence of seemingly contradictory values, challenging traditional notions of class and lifestyle. As we navigate the complexities of contemporary society, it is essential to understand and appreciate the impact of this unique social group. The Bobos' ability to blend cultural, economic, and social elements reflects the dynamism and fluidity of the modern world, urging us to reconsider our preconceived notions and embrace the diversity that defines our evolving society.
